My First Dance Class
Transitioning a youngster into a dance program can be tricky and emotionally tough on both parents and children. There sometimes are...

Taking Up Space
This summer I was fortunate to teach Hip Hop at Thunderbird Stadium in Vancouver BC to close to 1000 participants who would be joining...

On April 5th, Endorphin Rush Dance and Fitness held its first Beyonce Inspired Dance Workshop #FlawlessSweatSession in Downtown Vancouver...
A TASTE of Burlesque with N.E.R.D. and their Song "Lapdance"
Ready for a little N.E.R.D.? We have some choreography to Lapdance for you to check out and even learn at home. This choreography was...

In a dance class you may be surrounded by many others moving and grooving. It can be tempting to make side eye peeks at others in...
Burlesque - Peggy Lee - Fever
Burlesque is a sexy and playful dance style which is inclusive, primitive and sensual. The dance moves feel delicious and I love it....